What is it ??
Tiga-Router is a WordPress router, our aim is to simplify building custom WordPress application.
Registering Routes
Register desired routes using TigaRoute
class. Route registration must be done using a hook called tiga_route
TigaRoute::method( string $path, string|array $callback, array $args );
- Available methods: get, post, put, delete.
- $path & $callback are mandatory. While $args is optional
function register_theme_routes() {
TigaRoute::get( '/items/new', 'item_new' );
TigaRoute::post( '/items/create', 'item_create' );
TigaRoute::get( '/items/{id:num}', 'item_edit' );
TigaRoute::put( '/items/{id:num}', 'item_update' );
TigaRoute::delete( '/items/{id:num}', 'item_delete' );
TigaRoute::get('/items', 'item_index' );
add_action( 'tiga_route', 'register_theme_routes' );
Class based callback
For class function callback, make sure no namespace is used. Or if it is used make used make sure it is loaded properly.
function register_theme_routes() {
// call method inside class
TigaRoute::get( '/items/new', array( 'class_name', 'method_name' ) );
// or
$controller = new Class_Name();
TigaRoute::get( '/items/new', array( $controller, 'method_name' ) );
// or
TigaRoute::get( '/items/new', array( $this, 'method_name' ) );
add_action( 'tiga_route', 'register_theme_routes');
Tiga Router is using route hash to conditionaly flush rewrite rules. However this come with some caveat : Do not make conditional route registration.
// Example only , do not do this
if( is_admin() ) {
TigaRoute::get( '/items/new', 'item_new');
TigaRoute::get( '/items/list', 'item_list');
When the route hash is different, it will flush WordPress rewrite rules each time we access different page
Available pattern:
: only accept numeric parameters (non-greedy match):num?
: only accept numeric parameters (greedy match):any
: accept all url-valid parameters (non-greedy match):any?
: accept all url-valid parameters (greedy match):all
: accept all characters parameters (non-greedy match):all?
: accept all characters parameters (greedy match)
or you can use any regular expression, exp: :[a-z]+
Route grouping
Routes with same path can be grouped into one. For example:
TigaRoute::group( '/items', function() {
TigaRoute::get( '/list', 'item_list' );
TigaRoute::post( '/new', 'item_new' );
} );
// same as:
TigaRoute::get( '/items/list', 'item_list' );
TigaRoute::post( '/items/new', 'item_new' );
Set Page Title
Page title can be set easily while registering the route. Example:
TigaRoute::get( '/items/list', 'item_list', array( 'title' => 'All Items - Your Site' );
// route parameter value also can be passed to title
TigaRoute::get( '/items/{id:num}', 'item_detail', array( 'title' => 'Item no {id} - Your Site' );
Translation Route (Polylang Integration)
If your site are using Polylang, you can set a translation route using this simple args:
TigaRoute::get( '/items/list', 'item_list', array( 'polylang' => true ) );
This args will duplicate the route into translation routes based on Polylang configuration. For example, if your site are using english and indonesian, the registered routes will be:
All those routes will have same callback but with different language loaded.
Controller & View
The registered route will run a function callback.
// route registration.
function register_theme_routes() {
TigaRoute::get( '/items/{id:num}', 'item_detail' );
add_action( 'tiga_route', 'register_theme_routes' );
// callback controller
function item_detail( $request ) {
// getting parameter from url.
$id = $request->input('id');
$data = array(
'id' => $id,
'title' => get_the_title( $id )
// load a view file and passing data.
set_tiga_template( 'page-index.php', $data );
Passed data should be formatted as array, and can be accessed directly from view file using its index name. Example: $id
and $title
Getting Route Parameter
Use the $request
object to access variable in the current request. The $request
object also provide a function to sanitize the input.
- return (array) -> get all inputs
$request->input( $key, $default )
- $key (string) (required) -> input name
- $default (boolean) (optional) (default:false) -> set default value for input
- return (mixed) -> get input value
$request->file( $key )
- $key (string) (required) -> file name
- return (boolean) -> return true if input key exists
$request->has( $key )
- $key (string) (required) -> input name
- return (boolean) -> return true if input key exists
$request->hasFile( $key )
- $key (string) (required) -> file name
- return (boolean) -> return true if input key exists
Tiga CLI
Generate starter files
Run this command on your wordpress installation:
wp tiga init
This command will generate starter files directly on your active theme. The starter files will be formatted as a MVC app which contains route, controllers, model and view file.
View all registered routes
This command will shows all registered routes
wp tiga list
Helper Functions
- check if current page is a tiga page.tiga_is_route( string $route )
- check if current page is matched with given route.tiga_is_group( string $route )
- check if current page is within a route group.tiga_set_404()
- throw the route to 404 page.tiga_set_401( string $message = '401 Unauthorized' )
- throw the route to 401.tiga_set_403( string $message = '403 Forbidden' )
- throw the route to 403.
Built in pagination class is on Tiga\Pagination
$pagination = new \Tiga\Pagination;
// set up pagination parameter
$config = array()
// Total Row from the database
$config['rows'] = $total_row ;
$config['current_page'] = $current_page;
$config['per_page'] = 10;
// append parameter from url
$config['appends'] = array('sort_by','q');
$config['base_url'] = '[paginate]';
// render the pagination
Pagination Parameter
The pagination output can be customized
$config['rows'] = // Total Row from the database
$config['per_page'] = 10;
$config['per_page'] = 0; // first page
$config['base_url'] = '[paginate]'
$config['appends'] = array();
$config['item_to_show'] = 2;
$config['skip_item'] = true;
$config['first_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['first_tag_close']= "</li>";
$config['last_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['last_tag_close'] = "</li>";
$config['prev_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['prev_tag_close'] = "</li>";
$config['prev_tag_text'] = "Prev";
$config['next_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['next_tag_close'] = "</li>";
$config['next_tag_text'] = "Next";
$config['cur_tag_open'] = "<li class='active'>";
$config['cur_tag_close'] = "</li>";
$config['link_attribute'] = "class=''";
$config['link_attribute_active'] = "class='active'";
$config['num_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['num_tag_close'] = "</li>";
$config['skip_tag_open'] = "<li>";
$config['skip_tag_close'] = "</li>";
$config['skip_tag_text'] = "<a href='#'>....</a>";
$config['start_page'] = 0;
Session wrapper class is on Tiga\Session
, based on WP Session Manager
$session = new \Tiga\Session;
Set session: $session->set($key, $value)
- $key (string) session key.
- $value (mixed) session value.
Get session: $session->get($key,$value)
- $key (string) session key.
- $value (string) default value if session is not exists.
- return (mixed) session value.
Check if session exists: $session->has($key)
- $key (string) session key.
- return (boolean) session status with given key.
Get session then delete it: $session->pull($key,$value)
- $key (string) session key.
- $value (string) default value if session is not exists.
- return (boolean) session status with given key.
Get all session keys: $session->keys()
Clear all session: $session->clear()
How to use $_SESSION
instead of WP Session
on wrapper class:
define( 'TIGA_SESSION', '$_SESSION' );
Query Builder
Tiga are using Wordpress Query Builder Library by 10quality
This library has included to Tiga Router. Below codes will show you how to use query builder on Tiga Router:
$query = wp_query_builder()
->from( 'posts' )
->where( [
"post_type" => "post",
"post_status" => "publish"
] )
Please refer to their documentation, visit: https://github.com/10quality/wp-query-builder/wiki
Handle Ajax Request
Sample code to handle ajax request on /sample_ajax_tiga
function register_theme_routes() {
TigaRoute::get( '/sample_ajax_tiga', 'ajax_sample');
add_action( 'tiga_route', 'register_theme_routes');
function ajax_sample($request) {
wp_send_json( $json );
Sample Theme and CRUD